As we age, our facial skin loosens and wrinkles and the muscles of the neck may weaken as well. Anything that will cause the skin to lose elasticity will hasten the process, including sun exposure, smoking, weight fluctuations and heredity. A face lift can address these problems by firming and tightening the skin and muscles of the face and neck all in one step. It is most effective for the lower face (jowls and neck). A double chin can be improved at the same time by a surgical procedure called supplemental lipectomy. To effect a more complete facial rejuvenation, face lifts are frequently done at our Binghamton practice in conjunction with other procedures such as upper eyelid blepharoplasty and lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Dr. Walker may also recommend injections of fillers or Botox for deep creases in your forehead or frown lines between your eyebrows.
Contrary to popular beliefs, the texture of the skin will not be changed by a face lift. Acne scars, age spots, fine lines and smoker’s creases will soon return to their original texture, no matter how tight the skin is pulled. A face lift will not give someone beautiful skin unless they have beautiful skin to begin with. However, skin treatments such as laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, Biomedic skin care, Titan, IPL, or Genesis Laser, or chemical resurfacing can be used in combination with a face lift to improve the texture of the skin and smooth wrinkles, decrease discoloration and pore size and redness. For more detailed information about how this procedure may help you, we recommend that you call our office for a consultation with Dr. Walker.
Common Benefits Of Face Lift Surgery
While this procedure cannot stop the aging process, it can often make a person appear to be a decade younger than their actual age. Face lifts are the fifth most commonly performed plastic surgery procedure in the United States.
Initial Consultation
During the initial consultation, you and Dr. Walker will discuss the changes that you would like to make in your appearance. He will explain the different options available to you, the procedure itself, and its risks and limitations. He will also explain the kind of anesthesia required, surgical facility, and costs.
How is a face lift performed?
Mini and Extended mini face lifts are also employed when possible and appropriate. In these cases smaller incisions can be used, and less skin is removed.
How long does the surgery take?
Do I have to stay in the hospital?
What is the recovery period like?
Scars are often hidden within your hair and in the normal skin creases. The scars will remain pink for a few months before maturing to less visible white scars, but can be hidden with makeup.
What is the long-term outcome like for most people?
The results of a face lift are different for each person. The people who look best after a face lift are those who looked the best before the procedure. Some people have one face lift in a lifetime, while others have a second surgery 7 – 15 years later.
Ideal Candidate:
* People with good facial skin elasticity
* In good physical health
* Psychologically stable
* Non-smokers
* Wanting to improve the appearance of their face and neck
* Well informed with regard to the procedure’s outcome
* Having realistic expectations
The above is only a partial list of the criteria that Dr. Walker will consider in determining whether or not this procedure is appropriate for you. Dr. Walker recommends everyone, and especially those considering face lift, to start on some kind of skin conditioning program. This entails exfoliation and some kind of retinal product. Our office has used Biomedic Skin Care programs since 1992 with great results and satisfaction.
Potential Risks:
In order to minimize these risks, it is important that you follow all of your instructions, both before and after surgery.
One Comment to "Face lift"
Great article. Valuable tips.